Thursday 9 January 2014

Animation Process and production

Pre production

To start with in this project I decided to create a schedule to see what time I had available and when I was doing other things. Where I had spaces I marked out a few hours in which I could do some animation work. On a separate piece of paper I wrote down what I was going to do at each point and it all fitted in nicely. This way I wouldn't get too bogged down in everything. 

Next I started thinking about some ideas and did a lot of research, some of which is shown in previous blogs. 
When I had come up with my idea, I did my storyboard and my animatic. My story is about a man made out of water who realises he has no milk left so has to go out. Unfortunately it's raining and because he's made of water, he soaks the rain up causing him to look fatter. He gets his milk and pays for it, when he's finished, typically the weather has brightened up. So he walks home milk in had confidently. But he wasn't watching where he was going so he steps on a drain and falls through it.
When we had our first critique, we made an entire presentation on our research and developments which if I can I will put on here. A comment that was made was that there is not enough time for all of these scenes and a couple need some more time to see what is going on. To counteract this I took out the scene of looking out the window and made some scenes longer than others.  
Another thing I am going to do is start of with the fridge door open, that way it doesn't need as much time on this scene and it isn't rushed. 
A question I asked the class was 'Does he need a face? I had showed a few character designs and the majority voted no so I think I'll go without a face. 
Here are my initial character designs.

I wasn't that keen on either of them and wanted to maybe merge together the parts that I did like. However Mat said that its not essential to have a perfect character at this stage. 

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