I am so happy right now! I even managed to do it fully frame by frame! granted i re used bits for time saving otherwise id be here for another few weeks but i think it has worked out fine and isn't too obvious.
So heres what you missed while I've been squirrelled away in my room animating:
I started off by finishing the parallax and i am so glad its done it was extremely frustrating as layers kept shifting and going on top of each other and was nowhere near as simple as it was supposed to be.
Then i did the lip syncing of the bat and Quetzalcoatls conversations. I decided to do all of these at the same time because i was getting used to what I was doing and it was going faster and if i stopped to do something else then i would have to start over again. After i had done the first half i realised i would get it done in plenty of time so i went back and added ear movement and more expression to the bat which really made a big difference. it was a bit confusing to start with but definitely neccesarry as it really adds to the animation. i didn't do it to start with though because i wasn't sure id have time.
After I had completed these scenes and replaced them all in my animatic in photoshop to help me know where i was at and what i had left, i decided to carry on along the timeline and get to the end...partly cause it felt like those scenes were easier...I thought it would help my motivation if i got more done quicker. At this point i was getting 20-30 seconds a day done.
It was at this point that i had good motivation and I got up early and worked for 3 hours on the final scene only for photoshop to crash and lose all my work and have to do it again.... needless to say after that point i saved literally overtime i did anything new.
So after that i went back to the bit i was dreading, and rightly so. The part where the bat gained his feathers. I regularly thought 'why the hell did i choose to do a story that involved so many feathers?!'. It really did take it out of me as it took so long and made me get a lot less done everyday. Then there was the falling scene which was seriously confusing and took a lot of brain power. I am actually pleasantly surprised with it!
Then I had to edit everything together in premiere. I chose fades for most scene transitions. I decided the quick talking scenes between the bat and quetzal coatl should just cut straight to each other. The scenes with the coloured feathers were really fast and difficult to decide which transition to use. i tried shapes and then fades and then i decided that the fades really distracted from what was happening so went back to the shapes.
I then had to figure out a title sequence . I decided to use the daytime sky colours at the beginning and the nighttime sky colours at the end credits. To start with the end credits rolled and they were pretty fast. I snap chatted fiona what i had and she said she really didn't like the font and the roll was too fast. After some conversation we decided on a new font and that the credits should fade into each other. I am really glad of her opinion cause it looks SO much better now. Here are before and after pics:

I then found a couple of jungle sound effects on the youtube sound library. I looked through my animation and realised i didn't really need anymore sound effects it was great with the voice over because it was very narrative.
I also found some intro and outro music from the youtube audio library. It was children friendly, sound spanishy/mexicany enough for what i need and its upbeat but not too overpowering so i think it was about right.
And thats it! all finished! there was a slight issue with the sound making a weird buzz noise but i fixed that i just deleted it and re added it.
I am honestly so impressed with myself i have never done anything like this before and i was so nervous that i couldn't do it. I have just proved to myself that if i put the effort in i can give anything a go!
Here is the finished result! hope you like it!
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