What i would like to get out of this brief
-I would like to improve my drawing skills
-get better at understanding and digesting briefs
-enter a competition for the first time
-learn to come up with ideas quicker
-design something that maybe doesn't stay digital
-build a portfolio
-collaborate (also with people that aren't creative like scientists and engineers to inform your practice)
what my group wants to get out of this brief:
-competitive situations
-Exploring target audiences+market research
-Challenge yourself + go out of your comfort zone
-Trying to stand out +be recognised
- See our work being used in a commercial format
-create an audience for your work
-producing work to a strict deadline
-analysing briefs+ identify what your strengths are
-Find new places to source live briefs
-competition brief=if you enter a competition. fixed deadline
-live brief a client that comes to you and you get payed. potentially a moveable deadline
Why are competition briefs useful?
-Exposure of work to a larger audience- links to industry-national recognition
-Strict deadlines
-more control and input to the work
-Briefs are more open to creative interpretations
-Independent self discipline- finding your own briefs
-control over collaboration
- Get to see a range of responses to the same brief-inspires you but also makes you think your works rubbish
-Freedom of choice
-driving standards up- work harder to win
-creates an environment where you can take risks
If something looks really popular- your going to have looooods of competition
Fedrigoni calendar brief
-people don't know about this paper
For next lesson:
check out the ycn website
look at d&ad when its out
come back with current YCN brief that you want to work on for a couple of months
base decision on discussions today.
whats the problem?
whats it asking you to do about it?
whats it asking you to achieve?
who will it benefit?
who is the audience?
what are you expected to communicate to them?
How will that message idea or concept be delivered?
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
chosen briefs
Brief 1:
Macmillan children’s books – Alice in wonderland illustrations
I chose this brief because it looked quite exciting and I think it would be fun to recreate this iconic character to make it appealing to a younger age group. I’ve also always wanted to illustrate a book or a book cover so I think it will be fun. It will also challenge my illustration skills which I would like to improve.
Breif 2:
Illustration for childrens puzzle- marks and spencers- tigerprint
I think this would be both fun and challenging because not only do you have to do an illustration for a young child but you have to make it into a puzzle and think about what they will be able to understand including imagery and how it fits together. Also I have a niece that is almost 3 and I have seen her do puzzles since she was about 1 so I have a fair understanding of what that age group can do and what sort of imagery and things they like and can recognize. I would love to actually create this.
Breif 3:
Kids character-marks and spencer-tiger print
I think this brief would give me the opportunity to develop my character design skills and also my drawing skills which I would really like to do. It also has to be commercial and appealing and fit in with their kids range which may be a challenge. I will have to think a lot about colour and style which is something you have to think about for animation aswell so this will be good practice.
Monday, 27 October 2014
Character narrative
My plan
I have decided on my song. I have decided to do 'Barbie girl' by Aqua.
'im a barbie girl in a barbie world,
life in plastic, its fantastic,
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
imagination life is your creation'
I have decided on my song. I have decided to do 'Barbie girl' by Aqua.
'im a barbie girl in a barbie world,
life in plastic, its fantastic,
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
imagination life is your creation'
I think this could be really fun and I could maybe do a girl squeaky voice and it will look funny because Moom isn't exactly very girly but I could make it act girly. I am going to but hair and a dress on it and on the line 'undress me everywhere' the dress will just vanish as the same point moom covers itself up with hands and has a shocked expression and starts slowly side stepping off stage.
Study task 2
For study task 2 we had to make some objects move
this one we had to make the camera spin around the object.
To do this you open your scene, go to animate, turntable. Make sure you have your object selected or it won't work (i made that mistake) Then scrub your timeline and it will show you your turntable.
2) Pendulum
To do this i just set the rotate each side.
3) Bouncy Ball
In this there were 2 balls to make bounce. I made the green was a bit squishy like a rubber ball and the red one really hard like a metal ball bouncing on a hard surface but its quite light so it bounces back a bit.
I used the graph editor to edit the bounce, when it comes off the floor I made the line linear so it bounces fast with no ease.
4) Anticipation
In this i decided to use the bouncy balls again. I just used one and I made it lift, then compress, then bounce. I think it looks okay.
5) Overlapping
I actually found this one quite difficult and I'm pretty sure I haven't done it properly. I couldn't find how to make it do pre and post infinity. Also Im not sure the overlapping is quite right. It started off looking really strange but I started over and it went a little bit better.
For study task 2 we had to make some objects move
this one we had to make the camera spin around the object.
To do this you open your scene, go to animate, turntable. Make sure you have your object selected or it won't work (i made that mistake) Then scrub your timeline and it will show you your turntable.
2) Pendulum
To do this i just set the rotate each side.
3) Bouncy Ball
In this there were 2 balls to make bounce. I made the green was a bit squishy like a rubber ball and the red one really hard like a metal ball bouncing on a hard surface but its quite light so it bounces back a bit.
I used the graph editor to edit the bounce, when it comes off the floor I made the line linear so it bounces fast with no ease.
4) Anticipation
In this i decided to use the bouncy balls again. I just used one and I made it lift, then compress, then bounce. I think it looks okay.
5) Overlapping
I actually found this one quite difficult and I'm pretty sure I haven't done it properly. I couldn't find how to make it do pre and post infinity. Also Im not sure the overlapping is quite right. It started off looking really strange but I started over and it went a little bit better.
Here is my lovely model of my truck
Our second thing we had to animate was something of or own choosing. I chose to make a cup. I started off with a sphere and i caved it in on itself, then I made a cylinder and used the bend deformer to make a handle. I added a spotlight and another light around the size so it wasn't too harsh. I made the cup blue and shiny.
Then I rendered it and this is how it turned out! I am really pleased with it! It's a very simple object but I guess I had to start somewhere!
W=move E=rotate R=scale
to make a shape go to create on the top menu bar, then polygon primitives and choose your shape. then you can edit it. You can make shapes bend and twist and squash etc by going to create deformers-non liner- bend,squash etc. then on the right click channels-input-bend-clickon the word-use the middle mouse button to slide left and right to increase and decrease the value.
We learnt to add colour by going to window, rendering editor, hypershade. where you will find lots of different textures to edit.

I needed to do this bit where I group the parts of the truck then add a NURB circle and put it around my truck, and parent the NURB to my truck so that when I move the circle the who thing moves and I can make the truck uneditable. This means I will have one line on my graph.
Saturday, 25 October 2014
responsive brief 2
significant brief should also cover how many people are going to see your work.
secret 7?
ycn-19th march
-produce a multipage pdf that effectively communicates the election production evaluation of work in response to brief 1 and 2.
we know the brief but they don't-give the information
-has to be pfd-delivered through issue
-project report, collaborative practice, individual practice
don't have to show the begining and middle of the projects, just the end.unless the development was significant
-do a presentation board for each brief you do
collaborative practice brief
-find a creative partner
-choose 3 briefs d&ad or yen
-register with d&ad-look for deadline date
-bring PRINTED versions of these to the next session
-200 words about why you chose each brief
-write a contract of engagement
-complete form
secret 7?
ycn-19th march
-produce a multipage pdf that effectively communicates the election production evaluation of work in response to brief 1 and 2.
we know the brief but they don't-give the information
-has to be pfd-delivered through issue
-project report, collaborative practice, individual practice
don't have to show the begining and middle of the projects, just the end.unless the development was significant
-do a presentation board for each brief you do
collaborative practice brief
-find a creative partner
-choose 3 briefs d&ad or yen
-register with d&ad-look for deadline date
-bring PRINTED versions of these to the next session
-200 words about why you chose each brief
-write a contract of engagement
-complete form
Monday, 20 October 2014
song choice
I am finding this really difficult here is some ideas of mine
Blood brother- kids game
"don't you know that if you cross your fingers
and if you count from 1-10
you can get up off the ground again
it doesn't matter the whole things just a game
the whole things just a game"
I could make it fun and childlike and do a liverpool accents
wicked- popular
" Whenever I see someone
Less fortunate than I
(And let's face it - who isn't
Less fortunate than I?)
My tender heart
Tends to start to bleed
And when someone needs a makeover
I simply have to take over
I know, I know exactly what they need
And even in your case
Though it's the toughest case I've yet to face
Don't worry - I'm determined to succeed
Follow my lead
And yes, indeed
You will BE
You're gonna be popular!
I'll teach you the proper poise when you talk to boys
Little ways to flirt and flounce ooh
I'll show you what shoes to wear
How to fix your hair
Everything that really counts
To be popular
I'll help you be popular!
You'll hang with the right cohorts
You'll be good at sports
Know the slang you've got to know
So let's start
'Cause you've got an awfully long way to go:"
She could have lots of fun over exaggerated gestures.
That might be a bit too long though.
wicked - the wizard and i
"When I meet the Wizard
Once I prove my worth
And then I meet the Wizard
What I've waited for since: since birth!
And with all his Wizard wisdom
By my looks, he won't be blinded
Do you think the Wizard is dumb?
Or, like Munchkins, so small-minded?
No! He'll say to me,
"I see who you truly are -
A girl on whom I can rely!"
And that's how we'll begin
The Wizard and I:"
lets go fly a kite- mary poppins
"Let's go fly a kite
Up to the highest height!
Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Oh, let's go fly a kite!"
I could make him have a kite and it could pull him up off the ground. and make it funny.
fast food song-fast food rockers
'A pizza hut, a pizza hut,
kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut,'
I could just make him do that dance.
another one i could do the dance to is
agadoo-black lace
'agado do do push pineapple shake the tree
aga do do do push pineapple grind coffee.
to the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees,
come and dance every night sing with a hoola melody.'
Barbie girl-aqua
'im a barbie girl in a barbie world,
life in plastic, its fantastic,
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
imagination life is your creation'
i could make a dress to put on my character and it could act all girly and when its says undress me everywhere the dress could just disappear so it has to cover its body with hands and has a shocked face. maybe could sneak off to the side as the last line finishes.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
- fred.bates@leeds-art.ac.uk
- go look at module information on estudio.
- collaborate with other students.
- DEADLINE- 23/04/2015- 3pm
- to enable to work cross course, understand cross disciplinary approaches, work collaboratively or respond to an external event or activity with a significant pedagogic value. for a programme to respond to the arising needs of a specific group of student at a specific stage of the course.
- competition briefs, external briefs.
- make appropriate use of a range of research method to investigate and produce work relating to critical cultural or social context of art and design.
- generate ideas, concepts, proposals, solutions and or arguments using the language materials processes and techniques of a designated discipline.
- generate ideas in response to set briefs and or as a self initiated activity
- exercise self management skills in managing their workloads and meeting deadlines apply interpersonal and social skills to interact with others. make the most of the time you have to get the best out of it that you can.
- not asking for a whole animation. looking at how you propose professionally a brief of work.
- choice of materials and language and tone of voice comes from us.
- we look at briefs that allow us to explore what we want.
- documentation and evaluation= absolutely essential
- you will be asked to address a key external theme such as a national or inter national competition/project
- this will include collaborative practices that are cross college cross disciplinary cross institutional or cross culturally informed.
- this may involve individual or collective endeavour in the use of certain process or in a response to a competition or other form of external opportunity.
- as such it may be supported by an online studio space facilitated by a blended learning approach.
- we will explore
- approaches to the informed and strategic selections of beefs
- brief analysis and the clarifying of problems in response to client centred breed
- brief management
- project review and documentation
- presentation
- roles and responsibilities in relation to individual and collaborative practices.
- Studio brief 1:This brief offers you the opportunity to explore a range of individually identifies practical conceptual and creative concurs within the field of animation/illustration
- you will be asked to select and resolve a range of live and or competition briefs appropriate to your individual emerging practice and interests.
- this is an opportunity for you to investigate content, processes,products and techniques that will help you to understand and define your own creative ambitions within the field of illustration/animation.
- INTERIM CRIT- 22/01/2015
- Look at background considerations on sheets
- Minimum of 5 live or competition briefs (don't have to be taken to full production)
- expand on live briefs. a client wants a character so you build on that and maybe create a story board with it.
- short easy briefs would be in addition to the 4 significant briefs.
- websites on sheet as a starting point
- qwertee do one a week and it becomes a substantial brief.
- talent scouts
- Studio brief 2- collaborative practice
- working in groups between 2+4 you will focus on the role of the creative team and collaborative approaches to solving creative problems
- by combining your technical practical and theoretical skills as well as identifying new skills that need to be developed you will be expected to respond and submit work to one of the available national competition briefs or recognised live brief.
- Studio breif 3: you will be expected to produce a project report that presents the work produced in response to studio brief 1+2 in clear concise and professional format.
- your report should aim to introduce, summarise and evaluate your working practices and experiences throughout the module with a view to identify areas strength improvement and those which will lead to further investigation.
- submit in PDF format showing what you chose why how you responded and why
- Link all this to PPP
- do not enter into any contract with any party unless you fully understand what you are committing to
- if there are any issues with confidentiality agreements, intellectual property etc contact programme team immediately
- keep copies of all work including developmental work throughout entire module. put a pack together in envelope post it to yourself.DONT OPEN IT
- don't sign anything before discussing it with tutors. talk to them about confidentiality etc like can't blog things.
- this should go on studio practive blog
- products propels and presentation boards
- project report
- written 750 word evaluation
- Next session:
- read module info on studio brief 1
- sign up/subscirbe/join YCN+ D&AD
- explore the content of their websites
- visit the website listed in studio bried1
- read their terms and conditions
- select 3 briefs that you are interested in responding to (look at last years too)
- bring printed copies of each brief to the next session
- write a short summery of why you have selected these briefs. company? product?
- by the end of the session you will have chosen 1
- sessions take place in 236
Friday, 10 October 2014
My first Maya lesson
MAYA IS SO FUN:D But frustrating too! Today we were given our brief which is to use a given character, pick some song lyrics and make the character perform them.
So then we were given our character 'moon' and got told how to use maya! There or so many things to remember I think alot of practice is needed so they become second nature. I love how you can change his face I thought it would be alot more complicated.
Here i am showing how you get to change the face, the red circle is where you click to get to the screen i'm on here you click that butten then go to the blue circle and use the drop down menu and go to the _________, the green circle is how to get back to the image above. the top left image has all the controls on it and when you move each bit it changes the image on the right so you can see what changes your making.
I decided I liked moving the face around so much I went a bit over board and made him look drunk so I altered his body accordingly. This was a bit more difficult as I am still getting used to the control and also you have to pan around the guy so you know things are in the right position because i realised even though I thought I was moving the body forward I actually wasn't!
Then I decided to try and animate using the timeline at the bottom and the keyframes. I love how it does your in betweens for you! I think I'm going to really enjoy this project I cant wait!!!
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