-A2 poster
-Logline (breif summery of film 2 lines)
-Summary (synopsis of film and background up to 250 words)
-3x images from animation
-5x images from process( storyboards, concept art, behind the scenes photos)
-Crew and director bio
-DVD box art
So my logline i think will be:
In this documentary animation, find out about how much you actually waste when you throw food out.
or maybe
food wastage-what are you throwing out?
And my synopsis:
Food wastage is at an all time high in the UK. We have more than we need and take things for granted. We throw perfectly edible food away without a second thought. This short animated film visually documents the process of creating a single BLT sandwich and what you are truly wasting when you throw it away, from the money to the manual labour of an endless process. This animation will make people think more about wasting food and the impact it has on their environment.
crew and director are all just me so...
Elyse Jackson:
As her second year of studying animation comes to a close, she feels she has come a long way from where she started. Elyse knew nothing about animation, but now can confidently make her own short animations as proved in this documentary that was created solely by her. There are still many things Elyse would like to improve on, and many more things she would like to learn. She has not yet chosen a specific area she likes to work in as she cannot pick a favourite yet.
My 3 images from the animation:
+one maya one
5 images from process:

need 1 more...
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