Turns out i had loads of jiggles on the hair so we just decided to scrap that and try do something with it at the end.
Friday, 12 December 2014
another maya fail
So today after sorting my moom out with matt so the dress sticks to the shoulders and finding out that you animate without the ndynamics on....i animated it and did a playblast with the dress and hair back on....it erm...exploded a bit! need to try and figure out whats going on.
character narrative,
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
I have decided to add one more frame onto my story board to make it seem more finished and by itv. it will now have a voice over reiterating what the animation was showing.
I have 3 presentation boards so far.
The first is my story board, showing the finished artefact that i had intended to produce.
The second is a mock up of people of roughly the right age watching my advert. There is also a mock up of a Facebook advert and in the description it saying that by clicking the link it will take you to a website...
I thought it would be a good idea to put adverts on Facebook because the majority of the target age range has a Facebook account so will probably come across it! Also having a link to this website will give people answers and also it'll be something they can find on google because at the moment there really isn't much about it so it's hardly surprising very few people know about the change.
I have 3 presentation boards so far.
The first is my story board, showing the finished artefact that i had intended to produce.
The second is a mock up of people of roughly the right age watching my advert. There is also a mock up of a Facebook advert and in the description it saying that by clicking the link it will take you to a website...
This is the mock up of the website where you can watch the advert and read about what is happening and why.
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Final itv story board
Here is my final story board. I decided to change the mothers dress to red as the blue made her look like belle from beauty and the beast. I also changed the room decoration to look like an average english living room and I think a lot of people have gone neutral over the past 10 years or so. I also put a family photo in to make it more homey.
These are my character designs for the 16-34 year olds. I have used a teenager and an adult to show the variation of the audience, and also the mum who is also very different.
I have decided that they should have yorkshire accents as in the brief it says 'northern warmth not london aloof' and also the yorkshire accent sometimes sounds comical especially in contrast to the mother who i have decided should sound like a 50's fairy liquid advert. I think that would be quite funny as at the end its like she's selling itv as she would fairy liquid.
like this
Friday, 5 December 2014
Hair design
Here is some designs for the hair. I have to decided to go for one that looks like barbie but won't be too hard to manage.
Now i just have to figure out how to make it....
character narrative,
Dope sheet
I did the dope sheet for my character and narrative project. It took forever!! But I did it, Im not sure if it was easier or more difficult in 24fps! it allowed for more frames and lip movement but when your scrubbing the timeline you can't really hear what it is saying and have to scrub and re scrub and figure out what it is saying!!!

Thursday, 4 December 2014
Responsive- project proposals and presentation boards
brief, duration,name,module code, blog address,
presentation board- display concisely what it is your are intending to produce.
-do you need to create an account /profile?
-download any submission details /forms
-check mandatories/deliverables
-identify submission deadline
-clarify submission process and formats
-prepare submission as directed (if it says 3 boards don't upload 6)
-always upload BEFORE the deadline-websites crash.
-follow what your competitions are on on social networks so you can see if anythings going wrong or other people approaches to the brief
creative compromise
what you want to do and what you need to do
can you do what you want in the time available etc and do your really need to?
paul tinselly beat board
is the product essential to the brief? do you have to physically make it?
if you don't...what DO you need to produce?
start visualising like putting your poster on a bus stop.
context where does it go? what will it do? characters..whats they're environment?
how does your product get used?
Rules for presentation boards
-Start at the end-what have you produced? show it clearly
-product-range-dustribution. what is it? what the other versions/episodes/flavours? where is it going to be seen/sold. how does it fit in with the rest of our lives? on screen? in magazine? social media?
-audience, function, context. audience-show who will be seeing this.
Think before you do
Plan before you act
Question everything fred has ever said
everything we have on the brief so far
next week distill it down into 3-5 presentation boards showing the idea of the end point.
has it got a range and distribution
who's the audience
what function
what context will it exist
bring brief along, printed out
if you've re written the brief, print that out and bring it
fully up to date blog
developmental work that isn't being included in the presentation
presentation board- display concisely what it is your are intending to produce.
-do you need to create an account /profile?
-download any submission details /forms
-check mandatories/deliverables
-identify submission deadline
-clarify submission process and formats
-prepare submission as directed (if it says 3 boards don't upload 6)
-always upload BEFORE the deadline-websites crash.
-follow what your competitions are on on social networks so you can see if anythings going wrong or other people approaches to the brief
creative compromise
what you want to do and what you need to do
can you do what you want in the time available etc and do your really need to?
paul tinselly beat board
is the product essential to the brief? do you have to physically make it?
if you don't...what DO you need to produce?
start visualising like putting your poster on a bus stop.
context where does it go? what will it do? characters..whats they're environment?
how does your product get used?
Rules for presentation boards
-Start at the end-what have you produced? show it clearly
-product-range-dustribution. what is it? what the other versions/episodes/flavours? where is it going to be seen/sold. how does it fit in with the rest of our lives? on screen? in magazine? social media?
-audience, function, context. audience-show who will be seeing this.
Think before you do
Plan before you act
Question everything fred has ever said
everything we have on the brief so far
next week distill it down into 3-5 presentation boards showing the idea of the end point.
has it got a range and distribution
who's the audience
what function
what context will it exist
bring brief along, printed out
if you've re written the brief, print that out and bring it
fully up to date blog
developmental work that isn't being included in the presentation
Monday, 1 December 2014
Sunday, 30 November 2014
character narrative,
OUAN 504
So Mat replied because he's awesome and he said this:
Each proxy part will need to be parent constrained to it's respective torso part so that it moves with it. Then the proxy parts can then be identified as collision objects so that the garment will interact with them and then their visibility can be turned off."
I wasn't quite sure what he meant the first time i read it then i realised basically i needed to make extra shapes around moom for the dress to interact with!
Unfortunately i can't quite work out how to do the parent constraint part on moom but i have some notes so ill have to give that a go separately.
ANYWAY, moom no longer looses his dress!! woohooo!
character narrative,
OUAN 504
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Maya fail
well...i thought everything was going really well but turns out it wasn't.
So today i thought id crack on and figure out how to put clothes on moom. So i goes on youtube and finds this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MIRo8JBtDo everything seemed fine...
I made some cloth and i made it go over a box...its good right?
so after i tried to do the same thing but using moom as the box.
and that worked too...
So today i thought id crack on and figure out how to put clothes on moom. So i goes on youtube and finds this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MIRo8JBtDo everything seemed fine...
so after i tried to do the same thing but using moom as the box.
and that worked too...
So next i decided to make the dress using a cone like mat had shown me. i deleted the base and made it into more segments.
I did the same thing as i did with the box and this happened...
I just don't understand! I've tried to click on constrain but i don't know how to use it...so I've emailed mat in the hope hell get back to me and tell me what i am doing wrong!!
character narrative,
OUAN 504,
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
I have been looking at promos on youtube and it looks like most of them are film based showing clips of the tv shows. now if i don't have to actually make it i could do that but I'm not sure as that what everyone would do.
Here are some examples:
I have also looked at some idents but i don't think thats what they're after as idents don't promote anything they're more like space fillers.
Itv's seem to be very film based and simple with just someone talking over the top which is more than some
Like comedy centrals idents, although they're fun and creative which is good because its a comedy channel, they don't actually advertise or show what is on the channel.
Here are some examples:
I have also looked at some idents but i don't think thats what they're after as idents don't promote anything they're more like space fillers.
Itv's seem to be very film based and simple with just someone talking over the top which is more than some
Like comedy centrals idents, although they're fun and creative which is good because its a comedy channel, they don't actually advertise or show what is on the channel.
itv mood boards
These are mood boards from itv2 and itvBe. As you can see the programmes are quite different and itvBe is very much more pink and girl even though I'm sure guys still watch these shows just not as much as girls. I do like the style of it I just think its very gender limiting. itv2 is much more gender neutral. So I think the ident should be fairly gender neutral too.
Idea 2
This is the other idea i had of it being more to do with the channels and not specifically an animation. like more info graphic style with a bit of animation.
Pease note olaf won't be in the real thing as he is nothing to do with itv and a lot of 16-34 year olds won't be impressed with that as its considered childish. it would pretty mud only appeal to 16-25 year old women at a guess.
It would need to be a funny bubbly character though. maybe an already well known one? ill have to do my research on that.
This is my story board
Pease note olaf won't be in the real thing as he is nothing to do with itv and a lot of 16-34 year olds won't be impressed with that as its considered childish. it would pretty mud only appeal to 16-25 year old women at a guess.
It would need to be a funny bubbly character though. maybe an already well known one? ill have to do my research on that.
This is my story board
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Research into generation Y
This bit of research is from http://www.themarketer.co.uk/analysis/features/generation-y-what-every-marketer-needs-to-know/
I think its quite useful it goes quite in depth about what generation Y do and like etc.
Generation Y: what every marketer needs to know
WORDS:Rob Gray
The emergence of Generation Y – defined as those born in early 1980s up to the early 2000s – presents marketers with many challenges. This market segment, also frequently called Millennials, spans a broad range of life-stages, from those just starting secondary school to those with spouses, kids and mortgages. They are not, therefore, a homogenous whole – but have been shaped by the same socio–economic trends. They share similar traits, habits and values – all of which marketers need to grasp fully in their branding strategy. Read below to discover the main characteristics of Millennials and how your brand can appeal to this young and influential demographic.
AspirationsAccording to research from Ashridge Business School and the Institute of Leadership and Management, graduates entering the workplace are an academically talented bunch but have very high expectations – 32 per cent are unhappy with the performance of their boss and half plan to move into another job within two years. Strongly motivated by money, status and the prospect of career advancement, they also value a high degree of freedom and autonomy in how they carry out their work. A work life balance is important to them and they do not accept the culture of “long hours” embraced by Generation X – those born between the early 1960s and early 1980s. Additionally, over a third of graduates engage in personal tasks online while at work at least once or twice a week compared to 25 per cent of managers – a finding that creates opportunities for marketers looking to target audiences during the working day.
CultureThe cultural values and interests of Generation Y are intertwined with the rise of the culture of digital media. According to a large international study of 12,000 18 to 30 year olds in 27 countries carried out by Telefónica, Millennials are defined by their ubiquitous use of technology. They also believe that education in technology will ensure future personal success. Generation Y could also be termed the smartphone generation – 76 per cent of Millennials own smart phones globally. This is reflected in their media channel preferences, with the internet trouncing TV and print not only as the best source of entertainment but also for credible news coverage. The internet, including social media, was seen as the best source of entertainment by 64 per cent – crushing print magazines and newspapers, with a mere three per cent.
Nearly half of the 18 to 30 year olds surveyed in the UK believe they have an excellent knowledge of technology compared to just 30 per cent worldwide – suggesting that marketers need to appeal to a increasingly tech savvy audience at home. This embrace of multi-channel digital culture is underlined by the Ipsos MediaCT Tech Tracker research that found that 38 per cent of tablet computer owners use their tablets while watching TV at least once a day, with a further 15 per cent doing so a minimum of once a week. The most popular activities while watching TV were e-mail (51 per cent), social networking (46 per cent) and online shopping (25 per cent).
ValuesYounger Millenials have never witnessed boom times and their attitudes have been shaped by the worldwide downturn. A US survey of younger Millennials, aged 14 to 17-years-old carried out by MTV showed that more than three quarters worry about the negative impact the economy will have on their future. Only 51 per cent agreed with the statement, “If I want to do something, no one is going to stop me,” a marked drop from 71 per cent in 2010. The majority – 60 per cent – believes they will be worse off than their parents and the same number feel “very stressed” about getting into a good high school or college. Brands that create a feel-good factor via personalised marketing and a sense of heritage will appeal to a demographic, which has a lot more to worry about than previous generations. For example, a report by Woot Media, Generation Y and Brand Loyalty found that Cadbury is the most liked brand amongst UK 16-34 year olds (82 per cent). Cadbury has fed this appetite for fun and feel-good branding with its launch of a 10-year marketing strategy, known as Joyville, which centres around a magical place where the brand creates its 100-year-old Dairy Milk bar.
ConsumptionGeneration Y is far more aware of marketing and advertising than previous generations – and with this commercial awareness comes scepticism about the nature of advertising. This means they may not respond to traditional marketing methods in the same way as previous generations. If they feel they’re being “marketed to”, they are likely to switch off. For instance, luxury brands are in danger of losing a generation of customers who see “luxury” as a purely marketing concept, says TBCH planner Lauren Took.
A report by Woot Media, Generation Y and Brand Loyalty, found that Cadbury is the most liked brand amongst UK 16-34 year olds (82 per cent), followed by Amazon 78 per cent, Pringles, Walkers and Heinz (all 74 per cent). The top ten is completed by Google, Coca-Cola, (both 73 per cent), Galaxy (71 per cent); Kellogg’s and Facebook (both 70 per cent)
Brand preferences evolve through different Generation Y life-stages, with brands that are more family-focused increasingly coming to the fore for those in the 25 and above age brackets.
So what the answer for brands? “Be authentic,” says Took. “Everything your brand does should be justified by a reason beyond making a load of cash. Apple thrives because they believe in doing things differently, and challenging the status quo. Starbucks has built its brand around the motto that everyone should have a “third place” to escape to. Neither of these brands are campaigning for drastic social change. They are however, telling this generation they really care about something. Something more than making money.”
- See more at: http://www.themarketer.co.uk/analysis/features/generation-y-what-every-marketer-needs-to-know/#sthash.Kc8GnkDF.dpuf
Research for responsive
What makes a brand appeal to Generation Y?
by Dan McDevitt, 11.09.2013
What makes brands appeal to 16-34 year olds and what values do they most respond to, asks Dan McDevitt, joint managing director, w00t! Media.
As a broad group, people in Generation Y are well aware of being inundated with brand and advertising messages, yet there are clear differences in how these messages cut through to different segments of 16 to 34 year olds, depending on age and circumstances.
A 25 year old could be single and studying at university, a co-habiting young professional or a married parent with a mortgage.
We recently conducted a detailed research project with over 1,000 16-34 year olds to find out what made brands appeal, including what values they most responded to and how they felt about advertising.
All About Me
All About Us
All About Them
Why brands appeal
Intriguingly, near the top of the list is the brand’s personality - with 60% of people agreeing that a brand has to fit with who they are, what they like and how they do things.
We found that younger audiences were more influenced by whether or not they like the brand's advertising than other groups, while those with children will compromise their own feelings on brand fit for performance and quality of products.
Let's get emotional
Which brand values actually impact on people’s decision making when choosing to purchase?
Advertising must connect
This means brands wanting to create an emotional connection through advertising face some hard work.
Some key rules aren’t surprising:
* Generation Y expect successful brands to advertise, but not to interrupt.
*They expect professionalism, not brands that try to trick, patronise or stereotype.
*They want ads to be useful and/or entertaining - but be mindful of your audience.
This helps them to cut through the clutter, easily identify and find brands that will add value to their lives.
Monday, 24 November 2014
This is my rough story board for one of my ideas for the itv 2 project. It still needs a lot of work but this is the general idea. I think once i get it right it'll be a bit funnier.
I think after that ill have the mum walk off and go watch towie in the kitchen while she bakes but I'm not sure.
idea generation
So for one of my ideas it was a 50's mum in a modern day family so i decided to try and draw a 50's mum. It turned out okay!
However when i tried to colour her, she ended up looking like belle from beauty and the beast. so i need to think more about which colours i use. Apart from that though i think it would work.
However when i tried to colour her, she ended up looking like belle from beauty and the beast. so i need to think more about which colours i use. Apart from that though i think it would work.
I then looked at designing a rough idea of how the scene would be. so heres a teenage girl with a bit older guy watching celeb juice and looking happy and entertained by it. Itv said they want it colourful but i think i will create a bit more of a colour scheme as its a bit everywhere. Im not sure if it need anyone else. I'm also not sure if this layout is right but I'm thinking the mum could walk in and her backs to the camera and blocks out most of the scene. then we can change to her face when she's like :O wheres my shows?!
I did a mind map of what itv2 is about and also my ideas for the piece which are in purple.
I also filled out the forms we were asked to. They have repeated questions though thats why there is empty boxes. I actually found it quite hard to fill this out but I understand you do it because its helps you know what you are doing and why
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
11 second club
I think I'm going to do this months competition. It's not overly exciting but it will help me practice lip syncing which is what we are working on at the moment. I will make sure to use a dope sheet too. I may even use a different character to moom to see how different they are. I have 11 days to do this so thats 30th november i believe... So I need to start this on monday. (I am busy this weekend but I'll try do something, maybe the dope sheet) I think I will start off fairly simple for my first competition as I am still learning maya. I will try and figure out how to make a scene too. And maybe Ill add in a second character for them to interact. Either that or my character could be talking to the audience.
Maybe it could look like its talking to the audience then it zooms out and its actually talking to a sad pet who's deciding whether to eat a biscuit or not.
Maybe it could look like its talking to the audience then it zooms out and its actually talking to a sad pet who's deciding whether to eat a biscuit or not.
Dress designs
This is my design sheet for the dress I am going to make. I had to think about how I am going to make the dress as well as how pretty it looks.
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Thoughts on thought bubble
This year i went to thought bubble. It was my first comic con and i thoughroughly enjoyed it! There were SO many artists there!
I had to cover Dan Berrys stall for an hour when he had to go to a talk and was actually amazed at how much he sold just in that hour! He gave me a free comic to say thanks for helping out! he was very nice and very funny. His style of drawing isn't really my thing but I thought some of his stories were funny.
When I got home i googled him and turns out he has quite a helpful website. Even though I'm not a huge fan of his stuff I think I can find him really useful. here http://www.thingsbydan.co.uk/2014/11/colouring-in-photoshop/ he talks you through how he uses photoshop to colour his designs.
The lady next to his stall - Lydia Wysocki- gave me a little comic she did about not belittling your work etc which was quite nice and we had a good talk about the festival and drawing etc.
I talked to a guy from Close call comics and they have free online comics so I'm going to give them a read. He had lots of lovely art on the desk too. http://www.closecallcomics.com/en/http://www.closecallcomics.com/en/
Turns out this lady http://www.christeeny.com/illustration#/2 is an all round natural talent. Not only can she draw very realistic people which is what intrigued me but she can also do cartoons, photography, manipulating images and filmography! wow!
Dave stokes has loooooovely images. Predominantly black and white. I was talking to a couple of artists that have this style and they said they either touch it up on the computer for better whites and tidy it up and one guy said he draws it all on the computer even though it looked like it was biro and fine liners! he said he just likes that you can get a crisper white.
I also met Des Taylor who is the artist of The trouble with Katie Rogers. I actually bought this comic at the convention. I really like his style and it inspired me. Him and his project manager Spensor Kelly were both really funny and lovely. Des made me the winner of his competition and gave me a huge print poster! It's very lovely.
I also met Babs Tarr who gave us some really good advice about putting your work up on every site possible and just putting yourself out there and don't give up. she also gave me a print. Then sat next to her was Cameron Stewart who is :Colorist, Cover Colorist, Penciller, Inker, Variant Cover, Finisher, Layout, Artist, Cover, Writer- of DC comics. So that was interesting!!
Next year I am definitely bringing my own sketch book. It's not something I thought about but so many people were asking if I had any of my work on me and i had to say no! Also Zara got people to draw in her book for her which is so cool!
So yes I had an all round great weekend and I figured out what kind of styles I like and inspire me and what I don't like and learnt a lot about networking and the benefits of putting yourself out there and just talking to people because you may not get the chance again.
I had to cover Dan Berrys stall for an hour when he had to go to a talk and was actually amazed at how much he sold just in that hour! He gave me a free comic to say thanks for helping out! he was very nice and very funny. His style of drawing isn't really my thing but I thought some of his stories were funny.
When I got home i googled him and turns out he has quite a helpful website. Even though I'm not a huge fan of his stuff I think I can find him really useful. here http://www.thingsbydan.co.uk/2014/11/colouring-in-photoshop/ he talks you through how he uses photoshop to colour his designs.
The lady next to his stall - Lydia Wysocki- gave me a little comic she did about not belittling your work etc which was quite nice and we had a good talk about the festival and drawing etc.
I talked to a guy from Close call comics and they have free online comics so I'm going to give them a read. He had lots of lovely art on the desk too. http://www.closecallcomics.com/en/http://www.closecallcomics.com/en/
Turns out this lady http://www.christeeny.com/illustration#/2 is an all round natural talent. Not only can she draw very realistic people which is what intrigued me but she can also do cartoons, photography, manipulating images and filmography! wow!
Dave stokes has loooooovely images. Predominantly black and white. I was talking to a couple of artists that have this style and they said they either touch it up on the computer for better whites and tidy it up and one guy said he draws it all on the computer even though it looked like it was biro and fine liners! he said he just likes that you can get a crisper white.
I also met Des Taylor who is the artist of The trouble with Katie Rogers. I actually bought this comic at the convention. I really like his style and it inspired me. Him and his project manager Spensor Kelly were both really funny and lovely. Des made me the winner of his competition and gave me a huge print poster! It's very lovely.
I also met Babs Tarr who gave us some really good advice about putting your work up on every site possible and just putting yourself out there and don't give up. she also gave me a print. Then sat next to her was Cameron Stewart who is :Colorist, Cover Colorist, Penciller, Inker, Variant Cover, Finisher, Layout, Artist, Cover, Writer- of DC comics. So that was interesting!!
Next year I am definitely bringing my own sketch book. It's not something I thought about but so many people were asking if I had any of my work on me and i had to say no! Also Zara got people to draw in her book for her which is so cool!
So yes I had an all round great weekend and I figured out what kind of styles I like and inspire me and what I don't like and learnt a lot about networking and the benefits of putting yourself out there and just talking to people because you may not get the chance again.
Mooms dress
Here is my mood board for the dress design for my animation, looking at different styles of dress that might work, the pros and cons, and the colour.
I need to make collision objects so the dress interacts with is and stops against it. Mat used silk as the material and it looks really nice and loose.
I think I am going for a pink dress because it looks stereotypically girly and anything that can make moon look girlier is good!
Friday, 14 November 2014
Study task 4+5
Study task 4 was to choose a sound clip and create a dope sheet for its lip sync. I chose the anchor man clip. The left column is for the sound the word makes like phonetics. The column on the right is for what frame number that sound relates to.
Study task 5 was to look at a sheet of phonemes and work out which one fits it and write down which it is. Then take this to moom and make him talk!
I actually really enjoyed doing this! It was hard at first when trying to figure out what phoneme it relates to best but when actually doing it i found it much better. I am quite pleased with my result! the big teeth get in the way a bit though but it doesn't look right without it when trying to do things like 'V'. it also lacks a tongue i think. Here is my lip sync:
Character narrative brief -study task 4+5
What a dope
-select an audio sample
-break down sound
-consider it at 12fps
-generate dope sheet
-open simple dope sheet
-study task 4 assets
-download sound clips
-select a sound clip to work with
-phonemes are the shapes you make with your lips when you speek
-action is like shout
-sound is like shh or t
-fill in sound and frame number
Making faces
-fill in the action on cop sheet
-make moom make the faces
-complete lip sync playblast or h264
in settings set maya to 12fps
put sound file in correct sound project folder
sound clip
use dope sheet for own lip sync too
-select an audio sample
-break down sound
-consider it at 12fps
-generate dope sheet
-open simple dope sheet
-study task 4 assets
-download sound clips
-select a sound clip to work with
-phonemes are the shapes you make with your lips when you speek
-action is like shout
-sound is like shh or t
-fill in sound and frame number
Making faces
-fill in the action on cop sheet
-make moom make the faces
-complete lip sync playblast or h264
in settings set maya to 12fps
put sound file in correct sound project folder
sound clip
use dope sheet for own lip sync too
-create quick select set-add to shelf
-go to setting and preferences near auto key
-default in tangent at linear
-default out tangent at stepped
-after you have key frames in select all key frames and click flat
moving an object with moom
-create locator
-outliner, skelleton
-display- animation-joint size-2
-name locator
-animation menu- constraint
-parent constraint
-keep maintain offset on
-all rotate and all translate on
-create locator
-put on hand
-select locator and skeleton
-shift select hat
-contrain parent
-slect hand locator and hat
-contraint for hat 1 so its on
-hand off so its 0
-so its stuck to head
-key frame constraint
-frame 12, swap the numbers over so hand is 1 (on) and head is 0 (off)
-so the hat transfers to the hand
So the reason I couldn't do the image on the plane for reference when I was at home is because i needed to press 6. Apparently that shows up the textures like 7 shows up the lighting you have set up. So simple!
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Why have i chosen the brief?
I think it was of most interest to me out of the briefs on the website and I felt that perhaps it was something i could do and also i missed out on doing the ident brief in a previous project because i chose to do a campaign and from that I realised I don't want to do another campaign which a lot of theses briefs are so that narrowed it down a lot.
What do i want to get out of the brief?
I want to try and make something more commercial hopefully comical that will advertise which is something I've not tried before. This will give me something extra to add to my portfolio. Also if i do an info graphic that will be something new too as Ive not tried that before
What do i need to produce in response to the brief?
I need to produce a live action or animation or gif or any kind of moving content that lasts up to 90 seconds that will grab the attention of an audience 16-34 years old that will show that itv2 has changed for the better and may be more what they want to watch now. I can create a single piece or a series of pieces.
What do i want to produce in response to the brief?
I would like to produce and animation or an info graphic showing the changes of the channel. Hopefully in a slightly humorous/tongue in cheek way if i can to go along with the channel.
I think it was of most interest to me out of the briefs on the website and I felt that perhaps it was something i could do and also i missed out on doing the ident brief in a previous project because i chose to do a campaign and from that I realised I don't want to do another campaign which a lot of theses briefs are so that narrowed it down a lot.
What do i want to get out of the brief?
I want to try and make something more commercial hopefully comical that will advertise which is something I've not tried before. This will give me something extra to add to my portfolio. Also if i do an info graphic that will be something new too as Ive not tried that before
What do i need to produce in response to the brief?
I need to produce a live action or animation or gif or any kind of moving content that lasts up to 90 seconds that will grab the attention of an audience 16-34 years old that will show that itv2 has changed for the better and may be more what they want to watch now. I can create a single piece or a series of pieces.
What do i want to produce in response to the brief?
I would like to produce and animation or an info graphic showing the changes of the channel. Hopefully in a slightly humorous/tongue in cheek way if i can to go along with the channel.
My response for my chosen brief
5 most important words
5 most important considerations
-Target audience
-tone-comic,outragous, right side of wrong, tongue in cheek
-dont be limited to current colours and themes
-can be broadcast on other channels
-not too serious
5 related products
-comedy show tickets
5 related places
-living room
Other persons response to my brief
5 most important words
-tongue in cheek
5 most important considerations
-they wish to appeal to young 20 somethings
-90 second max length
-it may be a set or series
-tonal considerations- tongue in cheek
-ignore current aesthetic themes on channel
5 related products
5 related places
-the north
-living room
-online environment
-cinema, cafe, bar
Benefits of finding similarities
-on the right track
-understand the brief
-more aware
-collective of idea
-easily understandable brief
-bounce questions off each other
-potential for collaboration
-clear starting point
-potentially boring
-too easy
who is the audience?
16-34 year olds
who should the audience be?
Anyone who watched television over the age of 16 that likes comedy and entertainment
who could the audience be?
Anyone of any age that has this channel on their TV. Possibly people that used to watch the show and stopped because they didn't like the girly content.
because if you switch to that channel and are watching it your going to see it no matter who you are.
what do they do?
where do they go?
-gives you a sense of the kind of things you need to do in terms of solving the brief
what do they buy?
what do they want to be?
RESEARCH- to make in informed decision and not offend anyone
next session
-complete a project proposal
-try to be specific
-contextual references of initial ideas
-something thats like what is in your head for the brief
-print them out
-pitching proposal-needs to be clear with visual evidence
-start finding other briefs and use these questions on blog
-start finding other briefs and use these questions on blog
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