Friday 29 April 2016

Final crit

The final crit wasn't actually that useful to me. At this point I had 1 min 40 left to animate. Some suggestions i got was that the clouds could move slightly to make it feel like their really up in the clouds. I really liked this idea unfortunately to do this on every scene i feel would take far too long at this stage. I also needed to think about title sequence and sound design which i already knew and had planned into my schedule. I also got told and realised myself that there was some clean up neccesarry. I did some of this however it was actually a mammoth task as some of the line work isn't very good. I was talking to rebecca wong and she says its pretty hard to get good line work unless you use a tablet with a screen. Unfortunately i hadn't noticed until i saw it on a larger screen. 

The notes i got in the silent crit where you write a comment on each others paper are as follows:

- Looking really great now audio was a little loud at parts but coming along well
- Voice acting is fab, works we'll with characters expressions.
- Great lip syncing! tells story really well
- This is looking really promising, the animation for the bat especially looks really good, the way he speaks, flies and flaps his feather. I was really sucked in to the story too. Excellent work sam.
- The animation for the bat ears and lip sync works really well together. Backgrounds were really nice too! I think the timing and speed for the beginning parallax need to be faster and the feather for the condor needs to be smaller, just to emphasise how tiny the feather is :) AWESOME (i hadn't actually done the condor scene at that point)
- Your animation and shots work really well with the narration- i really like the story telling aspect of it and can see it being used in schools etc to entertain children. :)

So all in all id say thats a pretty good review and not too many things to fix. 

Thursday 14 April 2016


The animating is going well so far, I have made good progress on it over easter and I am being increasingly impressed by myself and my abilities. Because I have managed to keep on time so far I think I may be able to complete this to the standard I wanted after all. Although there is still an awful lot to go. I think with about 1 month to go before deadline I need to start working longer hours. Make myself treat it as a job not something I squeeze into my schedule.