Thursday 26 December 2013


Roobarb and custard gave me and idea for my watery effect, the actual change in the picture from each individual drawing makes it wobble a bit just like water!

Monday 2 December 2013


This was research for 'earth'. It's basically how man arrived on a perfectly good planet and starting killing things and using them for personal gain. Like in the Pocahontas song ' you think you own whatever land you land on. The earth is just some dead thing you can claim.' It is animated in a comedic way but it puts forward a message about the way we treat this planet in which we live in. I'm not so keen on the drawing style but I like the story. 


I love this!!! it's so cute and engaging and the way they have a rock song sung by a squeaky kid is cool. I just love the idea of this person made out of water walking around reacting with everything he comes in contact with. And the idea that when he goes over something he would fall through, he splits into lots of tiny people! I think that is so clever!! Absolutely love the idea and may use this as my inspiration.


I really like this style of animation, how the hands are effecting what is going on in the drawing, I would love to do this someday but I seems quite complicated. I love the fluidity and the clever ideas. This animation made me smile. Also it has a simple way to do rain...just lines coming down from the sky and people reacting to it. I think the reaction is key because it makes it believable.


Next we had to make a bouncing ball. We weren't shown how to do this- we had to figure it out on our own. I found this one more difficult. You have to think more about timing and spacing. When I first did it, it kind of worked but it seemed too slow and not how a real ball would drop. So I moved the key frames closer together. I also love on this software that you can click a button and it gives you in betweens! There's also a cool onion skin button! I am happy with how this turned out and I think I would like to try more things on flash!


Today we had our flash induction. I like how its a vector image software not bitmap so its not pixelated. I quite like the interface and how you create the animation. There's options for easing in and out rather than having to do more frames which is quite handy. Our first task was to create a pendulum. Mat showed us this then we had to go and do it. I think I actually did it quite well! although it does seem  little fast. I think to alter that I might have to move the key frames further apart from each other on the timeline.