Friday 13 November 2015

Extended practice

So for my extended practice module i intend to animate the story of the bat who wants to be a bird. I have got permission off the person who i heard the story told by and we have arranged for him to come to leeds and perform it form me so i can record it for the audio. I will pay his travel expenses as his fee. This will be done after christmas as it is a good time for us both.Also this will get it done well in advance so i have something to work off when I start planning the animation. I am quite looking forward to this project. Then if i get my storyboards and animatic done by 3rd February then that leaves 3 months to just animate the whole thing. Fingers crossed that will be enough. I think ill aim to get it done a few days in advance like the 2nd May just so i have some leeway and time to correct and stuff incase things go wrong.

Wednesday 11 November 2015


Good news, the journey man did respond but it went into my junk mail so i didn't know!! he said yes to using the story but said there is also someone who has already done it before. It is on this website:
I understand that she used aztec kind of style drawings as its a mexican story but i actually think the characters could have been designed better so i think i would still like to try. I also think the animation could be more fluid so i could attempt that. I would also like to see more use of backgrounds.

Tinga tinga tales

Unfortunately the man i asked to use his story about the bat didn't respond so i have had to resort to plan B. This is to find a folk tale such as "how the leopard got his spots" and then animate that for children.
Now the first already animated version i see is this. It is very old fashioned, long winded and a little racist with poor almost animation.

This is more the tone of voice and pace i am looking at

As discussed in my tutorial, doing a story from a difference place in the world would make me have to do a lot of research which would inform my designs more. Like Tinga tales which is very african based.

I really like this i love how the culture is all in there and i would like to do that too. However i don't think i would like mine to be quite as long as that. There are lots and lots of tinga tinga tales and i don't want to copy them but i do really like how they are done. 
These all come from the Just so stories by Rudyard Kipling.
I found this website that has all of the stories on