Wednesday 22 April 2015

Logo design

Although my client liked this, i believe they were still hoping for something different. My client explained that they don't really like the perfectly aligned square designs and were hoping for something where the 7 is more prominent perhaps in a circle. Now from my graphic design background this was not something I wanted to do and its not something I like but it is not my logo. I did express my concerns that it wouldn't fit as neatly into corners etc but i wasn't going to stop them using something like that. 
So i set about coming up with a few ideas that were more what they were hoping for.
I started off doing 2 variations of a design that the client had suggested. I did not like them from a graphic design point of view. 

So i designed my own version along those lines which i think works much better and is much more clean and readable. I sent all 3 to the client and to my relief they really liked the last design. They asked some questions about how easy it would be to change some colours and backgrounds for different seasons and i explained it is fairly simple as you can just change the hue but if you wanted 2 very different colours like red and green I would have to redo it. They said it was good that it is easy to change. 

I was still a bit concerned of how this would look on photographs. The client said try black and white. I did this but it came out a dirty grey colour which i didn't think would show up on anything, so i made it white which again didn't show up very well. 
I suggested just using the bottom of the logo as it would look more professional and less like part of the image and you can read the company name better and it fits into the corner better and you can make it a lot smaller than the other one and still be able to read it.

The client didn't seem to like that. I then decided to cut the 7 out of the middle to make it more obvious and allow the photo to show through.  I think this still works they will just have to be careful of the positioning so you can still see the logo which i have explained. 
It even works on off white pictures. For pure white if it ever happened we agreed it would be a light grey. I think it does look quite nice in white being on the pictures.

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