Wednesday 11 February 2015


I decided to make my next qwertee design a little more commercial as in something thats quite popular. So i thought batman! everyone likes batman and it makes a great shirt! so i started googling images and i found a few that inspired me:
 I really liked the whole black and white thing and i thought a neat idea would be to put it on a black shirt and just draw the white parts! After doing it i realised doing the black parts would have been easier but wouldn't have got the effect i wanted. 

This is my final design. I am actually really happy with it! Im hoping this will get more votes as it is a more familiar image that people might relate to. I also made more of an effort on the background because i thought this may help sell it so it looks more impressive and you can see the design more up close. 

Voting has finished now, it got 622 votes!! so happy with that! From this i think i have learned that using characters or something that exists already makes it more likeable and people will relate to it more and vote for it because they recognise it. This is something to bare in mind for next time!

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