Monday 10 March 2014


Our first modeling session was really fun! We started off with a basic induction to the area learning about where things are and the safety rules etc. Next it was time to get making! It is so nice to be hands on with stuff after staring at a computer for most of the week. We started off by designing us a character in a 6 inch high box...apparently your supposed to draw your character this high in the first place not draw it in the middle which I and a few others found out later on because our characters ended up being really small. We then got a piece of metal rod, sawed off how much we needed then bent it high enough so that it would go into a piece of wood, curve, and into the back of our character. Next we drilled a hole into some wood for this to go into. Then we got a loop of wire and attached it to a drill to weave them together to make stronger wire. 

After this, we used the wire to start creating our models, starting with the head, back and first leg. It became apparent that for those with smaller models we would need to use a single thickness of wire for the limbs so they would be easier to move. After using the same principle for the rest of the limbs, this is what I had:

Once we had got our skeleton we then made him stronger with Miliput which is two squishy things that put together turn into a rock like substance once dry. Using this meant that we can control where he bends. so we leave the joints free like this:
I think I made this models head too big. It became apparent here that the model was too small to work on easily. So we left this to dry for the rest of the day.
Then we started to have fun with some plaster-cine and get a feel for it. This was fun I haven't played with plaster-cine in years. Here's what I made:

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