Tuesday 18 November 2014

Thoughts on thought bubble

This year i went to thought bubble. It was my first comic con and i thoughroughly enjoyed it! There were SO many artists there!
I had to cover Dan Berrys stall for an hour when he had to go to a talk and was actually amazed at how much he sold just in that hour! He gave me a free comic to say thanks for helping out! he was very nice and very funny. His style of drawing isn't really my thing but I thought some of his stories were funny.
When I got home i googled him and turns out he has quite a helpful website. Even though I'm not a huge fan of his stuff I think I can find him really useful. here http://www.thingsbydan.co.uk/2014/11/colouring-in-photoshop/ he talks you through how he uses photoshop to colour his designs.

The lady next to his stall - Lydia Wysocki- gave me a little comic she did about not belittling your work etc which was quite nice and we had a good talk about the festival and drawing etc.

I talked to a guy from Close call comics and they have free online comics so I'm going to give them a read. He had lots of lovely art on the desk too. http://www.closecallcomics.com/en/http://www.closecallcomics.com/en/

Turns out this lady http://www.christeeny.com/illustration#/2 is an all round natural talent. Not only can she draw very realistic people which is what intrigued me but she can also do cartoons, photography, manipulating images and filmography! wow! 

Dave stokes has loooooovely images. Predominantly black and white. I was talking to a couple of artists that have this style and they said they either touch it up on the computer for better whites and tidy it up and one guy said he draws it all on the computer even though it looked like it was biro and fine liners! he said he just likes that you can get a crisper white.

I also met Des Taylor who is the artist of The trouble with Katie Rogers. I actually bought this comic at the convention. I really like his style and it inspired me. Him and his project manager Spensor Kelly were both really funny and lovely. Des made me the winner of his competition and gave me a huge print poster! It's very lovely.

I also met Babs Tarr who gave us some really good advice about putting your work up on every site possible and just putting yourself out there and don't give up. she also gave me a print. Then sat next to her was Cameron Stewart who is :Colorist, Cover Colorist, Penciller, Inker, Variant Cover, Finisher, Layout, Artist, Cover, Writer- of DC comics. So that was interesting!!

Next year I am definitely bringing my own sketch book. It's not something I thought about but so many people were asking if I had any of my work on me and i had to say no! Also Zara got people to draw in her book for her which is so cool!

So yes I had an all round great weekend and I figured out what kind of styles I like and inspire me and what I don't like and learnt a lot about networking and the benefits of putting yourself out there and just talking to people because you may not get the chance again.

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