Thursday 7 November 2013

In a forest

This 3D animation is very exciting,Directed by Fons Schiedon ( and produced by I like how they pan the camera to show that theres no-one around and then this wolf appears and all hell breaks loose so the rabbit runs away and falls down and it's all very dramatic. While watching this I was thinking 'wow i love the set design, it's so realistic, is it a photo or is that cgi? That's pretty impressive.' I did think though that the background is more realistic than the characters so wondered if they really fitted together. Then the background disappeared and i was a bit confused and the characters simplified and like turned into rigs. Then the rabbit was cornered so just jumped off this ledge and landed on a cushion It's so surreal but it's showing that its just a character and if you take them out of the scene they're in, they're perfectly safe. It's really strange. Interesting to see the rigs though. Reading the description, I don't think it should have turned out like this but something went wrong in the run up to the deadline.

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