Wednesday 27 November 2013

Visual language

Dog project

The word I was given for this project was 'Dog'. This was my first set of 12 drawings out of 32. At this point all I could think about was a fluffy dog! and a couple of other things like 'dog house' 'dog bowl' 'dog bone' 'balloon dog' 'hot dog' 'dog poo' 'dog pile', but they didn't really seem like things I could do a story with.

This is the rest of the 32 images. I started getting more ideas like 'scurvy dog' 'doggy paddle' 'dog collar' 'dog and bone' 'dogma' 'dog rose' 'dog leg' 'dog fish'. But again it was very difficult to think of a story to do with any of these I wasn't particularly inspired. The only one I thought of a story for was the posh poodle because it actually had character. So I chose that. I was originally going to do how dogs and owners look alike but mike said just concentrate on the dog.

We then had to do 8 images on our chosen image in different angles and using different mediums. I quite like this series of images. I like the shadows on the black and white pen one and I also quite like the newspaper one.

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