Thursday 7 November 2013


This has such a good story line that i can relate to. When you get to sleep and suddenly you hear strange noises, you start thinking of random scenarios that would fit with those noises. I'm not sure bout the style of drawing, it's extremely simple and that's not really my thing but it's still good. I like the way they used boxes as the rooms and used other little boxes for the different scenarios. When it went to the shot of what it actually was it made me giggle that it was something completely legit and not what he thought at all. But they had the same thoughts like 'oh no what if its someone come to kill me' kind of thing and the guy asleep would rather not be able to sleep than to get shot so he doesn't end up finding out that its actually just some old lady doing some sewing!! I relate to this like when it's all dark and you see a shape and you think its a person but when you turn your light on its just a coat. 
The maker of this mentions that this is what happens when your brain is stimulated before you go to sleep. Definitely love the way the story is told.

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