Monday 10 February 2014


This advert is obviously aimed at effected children. It shows them that it's okay to ask for help and how to do so and that there are no consequences in doing so. It does it in a non personal way. This is not someone telling their entire story, it's just someone saying how they got help and how they were feeling before and after. I really like this video and the visual content especially the bit that is in the still. He flips the card over to reveal lots of different words like 'how', 'why', 'what'. It's a very visually dynamic video expressing thoughts in a creative way. It uses school supplies showing the target age range. From this I have learnt that you don't have to use people as such, you don't have to see the child getting hit or crying. However this is looking at it in a much more positive light and that is WHY you don't see that kind of imagery. 

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