Monday 17 February 2014

The Shining

Abuse in media

The shining is another example of the different ways abuse can be portrayed in media. In this instance the violence is a result of alcohol, and fish bowl syndrome. This is done in a horror movie, this means there will be lots of visual violence and an emotional response from the audience including them being scared, worried for the character and angry at the man doing it.
This again is a man who is murdering his wife an child. This seems to be the go to way round in media. It's not as often you hear about the woman killing her husband and child though it does happen. I happened to glance at the newspaper the sun the other day that someone had left on a table in McDonalds and there was lots of pictures and most of them said underneath 'Black widow'. It happens, it's just not used often in films.
This is a good way of showing the detail of the abuse however again I don't think this is something I could use in my campaign as it would be too graphic. It may also scare children, that's if it's even allowed to be aired in the day time. If it's not then children can't see it anyway so don't even know childline exists so even if the adults give money to this cause, the children won't call up to use it.

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